On Resolving Conflict

On Dealing with Conflict Conflict is unavoidable. No one can navigate life and leadership without facing disagreements along the way. This was the case for two of Paul’s friends in Philippi. Here are a few observations on resolving conflict based...

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You Don’t Have to Do It All

In his book Crazy Busy, Kevin DeYoung describes “the terror of total obligation.” The general idea is that there are more good and noble and worthy things to do than we can possibly do. Care for the poor. Assist the homeless. Help at-risk youth....

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Two Keys to Growth

I failed. There just wasn’t any way around it. Years ago a mentor and friend invited me to teach in his place and I gladly accepted. He asked me well in advance, so I had plenty of time to prepare. Sadly, I procrastinated and let the time get away...

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Don’t Lose Hope

It is hard to be patient in the midst of difficult circumstances.  You just want it to be over. Someone please fix this problem, resolve this issue, and let’s be done. You’re ready to move on, but nothing changes. The struggle continues and there...

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