for Professionals

Faith-Driven Professionals, Becoming Christ-Centered Leaders.

Professional Forums consist of 5-8 professionals who meet on a weekly basis for 1 hour, either before work or during the lunch hour. Our Forums are for men or for women, and because they are same-sex groups they foster greater vulnerability and create an ideal environment for deeper friendships to form.

Weekly meetings follow a consistent agenda and study leadership development materials that help you apply biblical principles in real-world settings. And you will be challenged to develop the character and competencies of a spiritual leader. Join a Professional Forum with Christians from various industries and diverse backgrounds who are hungry to grow and make a lasting impact.

Are you hungry for personal, professional, and spiritual growth? 

Do you have support, encouragement, and wise counsel from godly peers who know your life goals and plans?

Do you have a written plan defining success and providing direction?

Are you focused on what’s truly important or consumed by the tyranny of the urgent? 

 My experience with Vantage has been nothing but amazing. The people that I have grown to know and the personal experiences and stories that are shared are priceless. God works through every connection in that room and I’m excited to see what the future brings with my group. ~ Casey B.  



Vantage has allowed me to find other likeminded individuals in Huntsville and form a meaningful relationship with them. Weekly group sessions have allowed me to grow spiritually and professionally as we can share in each other’s peak and valley moments all while giving ideas on how to be better Christian leaders. All of the region-wide luncheons are well worth the time as well.

Will R. 


I’ve been involved with Vantage for 7+ years and it has been a wonderful experience. Their events are top notch, and are often folks first experience with Vantage, but for me, the weekly group is the real game changer. It has made a difference to me as a man, a leader, a husband, a father, and a friend. I can’t say enough about these guys and wonderful group that we have.

Stephen G. 



The spiritual, personal, and professional growth I have experienced as part of the Vantage Leadership has been profound. The leadership team has organized a remarkable network of groups and speaking events which can truly help you if you are looking to connect with godly individuals, make a difference in the community, and in your workplace.

Gary S. 


Professional Forums are designed people at every level, from young professionals to seasoned leaders. Below are five characteristics we look for in a member. 

1. They are Christian. A shared faith in Jesus Christ is foundational.

Click here to read our Statement of Faith. 

2. They are Coachable. They are humble and teachable.

3. They are Contributors. Not just consumers, but look to add value.

4. They are Committed. Growth takes time. They keep showing up.

5. They are Confidants. Honoring confidentiality is non-negotiable.



Members commit to be present and engaged.

We expect members to make attendance each week a priority on their calendar.  If a member doesn’t attend faithfully, not only do they lose the personal benefit, but the group fails to benefit.

Members commit to be honest and reflective. 

To build trusted relationships, members must be honest and transparent about where they are in life and work. You can’t experience change at a deep level if conversations only take place at a surface level.

Members commit to accept one another where they are.

Each member is at a different place in life and in their journey as a leader. Professional Forums are designed to meet you where you are, and to support you as you take the next step toward where you want to be

Members commit to complete confidentiality.

This is non-negotiable, and we have a Zero-Tolerance Policy on violating confidentiality. Details shared about the work or personal lives of all members are to be held in the strictest confidence.