for Executives

Faith-Driven Executives, Building Christ-Centered Companies.

When do you regularly set aside time to work ON your business, not just IN your business?

Who are the trusted advisors you turn to when navigating complex challenges as a leader?

Where do you go to exchange ideas and best practices with other Christian business leaders?

What are you doing to cultivate the heart, mind and habits of a Christ-centered leader?

Who, other than yourself, holds you accountable for achieving your goals?



Each month leaders assess themselves in four key areas: spiritual life, relationships, service (work and personal ministry), and stewardship (health, finances, time). Self-reflection is critical for your growth as a leader. Members also update the group on progress toward their goals, and share personal and professional highlights since the last meeting.

Every month leaders discuss current opportunities and challenges they are facing. Most often leaders seek advice on professional issues, but there are times when they bring personal and spiritual topics as well. This part of the meeting has proven to be invaluable as leaders solve problems together, give and get honest feedback, and share personal insights from decades of experience as leaders.
The final portion of each meeting is devoted to content that helps leaders serve with greater purpose, influence and excellence in their company. We explore all of the major aspects of business leadership, and at times bring in experts to address critical topics. And we go beyond operational excellence to explore ways to align your business with God’s mission in this world.

Executive Forums are groups of 8-12 business owners or executives who meet once a month for a half day (4 hours). It’s not a Bible study or networking group.  It’s a same-sex group of leaders from different industries and diverse backgrounds who share a common faith in Jesus Christ, a hunger to grow as leaders, and a commitment to honor God in and through their business.

Every monthly meeting is facilitated by one of our Leadership Coaches and follows a clear agenda. Executive Forums provide an environment where members form friendships that extend beyond the monthly gathering. They become trusted advisors and confidants, who support one another on a personal level. And these relationships provide the rich soil in which leaders grow.

Our curriculum provides a Christ-Centered approach to  all the major aspects of the company you influence.

It’s not enough for leaders to have purpose and passion; they need to be passionate about the right things. Leaders must come to view this world from eternity’s perspective. ~ Kenneth Boa



I enjoy the opportunity to grow alongside some of our community’s most influential business leaders. I also enjoy the unique experience of learning how they integrate their faith into the workplace. The quarterly Leadership Events are excellent as well as, with some of the nation’s top leaders sharing their business and their faith. I’ve learned to better focus on my mission and ministry as a result.

Jeff B. 


My Executive Forum serves as a community for fellowship and learning grounded in biblical principles. Through deep engagement with God’s Word, business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders gain insights into effective leadership, management, and stewardship of their companies. This group has been instrumental during critical moments in my journey as an entrepreneur, offering support in both professional challenges and personal relationships. The group also provides a nurturing environment where fellow members uplift each other through prayer, aligning their needs, goals, and aspirations with faith and mutual support. 

Scott W. 



Being part of an Executive Forum has helped grow my faith in Jesus, business skills, and personal development.  A mentor recommended Vantage while I was going through some deep personal trials and this group of men supported me both spiritually and emotionally during this time.  We have grown close as a group and it is nice to be able to share our challenges and victories with other Christian business owners.

Blake R. 


Executive Forums are designed for business owners or senior executives; leaders who are responsible for defining the company’s purpose, vision and core values. They oversee people, are responsible for finances and set the culture.

1. They are Christian. A shared faith in Jesus Christ is foundational.

Click here to read our Statement of Faith

2. They are Coachable. They are humble and teachable.

3. They are Contributors. Not just consumers, but look to add value.

4. They are Committed. Growth takes time. They keep showing up.

5. They are Confidants. Honoring confidentiality is non-negotiable.



Members commit to be present and engaged.

We expect members to attend no less than 9 out of 12 monthly meetings each year. If membership in an Executive Forum isn’t a priority for the member the full value of the group won’t be achieved.

Members commit to be honest and reflective. 

To build trusted relationships, members must be honest and transparent about where they are in life and business. You can’t experience change at a deep level if conversations only take place at a surface level.

Members commit to accept one another where they are.

Each member is at a different place in life and in their journey as a leader. Executive Forums are designed to meet you where you are, and to support you as you take the next step toward where you want to be

Members commit to complete confidentiality.

This is non-negotiable, and we have a Zero-Tolerance Policy on violating confidentiality. Details shared about the businesses and personal lives of all members are to be held in the strictest confidence.